As part of the Arts Council of Fort Worth's advocacy efforts, a survey was sent to each of the Fort Worth City Council Candidates. The Arts Council offered candidates the opportunity to respond to a set of questions about issues important to the arts community in Fort Worth. These questions were derived from conversations with artists, creatives, performers, and arts leaders. This format gives voters the opportunity to compare the candidates answers side-by-side.
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Where will you vote? Find your polling place here!
Important Dates
Thursday, April 1
Last day to register to vote
Monday, April 19
First day of in-person early voting
Tuesday, April 20
Last day to request a ballot by mail (received by, not postmarked)
Tuesday, April 27
Last day of in-person early voting
Saturday, May 1
Election Day
Last day ballot by mail must be received by 7 p.m.
List of Candidates
Carlos Flores
Theodore Gray
Jennifer Sarduy
Juan Sixtos
List of Candidates
Michael Caceres
Tonya Carter
Michael Crain
Daniel Fattori
Andy Gallagher
Katie Johnson
Anne Low
Adrian Smith
List of Candidates
Jorge Chavez
Kristie Hanbart
Cary Moon
Max Striker
Tara Wilson
List of Candidates
Gyna Bivens
Antonio Harris
Mar’Tayshia James
Ricky Vazquez
Bobby Joe Willoughby
List of Candidates
Jungus Jordan
Jared Williams
Tiesa Leggett
List of Candidates
Connie Cottrell
Morris Curlee Jr.
Leonard Firestone
Lee Henderson
Joseph Lockhart Jr.
Michele McNill
Zeb Pent
Irvin Thomas Jr. Jacob Wurman Miguel Zamora III
List of Candidates
Kelly Allen Gray
Christopher Johnson
Tyrone King
Chris Nettles
Millenium Woods Jr.

List of Candidates
Ricardo Avitia
Elizabeth Beck
Doyle Fine
Darien George
Jordan Mims
Fernando Peralta
Sabrina Renteria
Erik Richerson
Jared Sloane