On this page, find advice on writing exhibition proposals, CVs, Resumes, cover letters, artist statements, artist bios, navigating copyright laws, certificates of authenticity, and tips on selling your work. Also included are local online event calendars, networking tips, working with galleries, and communicating with art dealers.

Click the underlined links below for more information on that topic.
1. Writing Artist Statements & Bios
Artquest | Artist statement
Artspace | "Don't Quote Deleuze": How to Write a Good Artist Statement
All She Makes | The Ultimate Guide to a Better Artist Bio
Format | Artist Bios 101
GYST | Sample Artist Statements and Bios
2. CVs/Resumes
GYST | Resumes & CVs for Artists
Resume Lab | Examples for Artists
3. Writing Exhibition Proposals
Amanda Mollindo | How to Prepare an Exhibition Proposal that Won’t get Ignored
Bizfluent | How to Write a Curatorial Proposal
Unbound Visual Arts | Curatorial Statements
4. Copyright
5. Certificate of Authenticity
It is recommended that you enclose a certificate of authenticity for each piece.
6. Recursos en Español
7. Local Online Event Calendars
If you have a show coming up, virtual or in-person, consider submitting them to the following online calendars to help spread the word.
8. Working with Galleries & Dealers
The Cedars Union | Dealing with Gallerists
GYST | Galleries, Dealers, Agents, & Consultants